Expere Knowledge Base
As a team member, we used a proprietary language named ERL (Extensible Rule Language) to create Expere. Expere is a centralized compliance document system that seamlessly serves multiple lines of business and channels. Expere provides a complete set of tools for creating, managing, integrating, testing and deploying documents. I was quickly promoted to Code Reviewer, then Software Engineer, then DBA prior to leaving the company. https://www.wolterskluwer.com/en/solutions/expere
3M brand websites
As part of a team we built, maintained and translated 3M's websites. I was a leading member of the team that made the Post it, Scotchgard, Ace, Filtrete, Scientific Angler, Littman, and many other 3M websites, landing pages and marketing emails. Sites are translated with text and content relevant to the locale in which it is being viewed. Utilizing Content Server version control and Websphere Portal Server https://www.3m.com/3M/en_US/company-us/our-brands/
United Health Group
My first full stack develpment contract, I was givin freedom to choose the development tools and build an executive dashboard allowing a real time dashboard (graphs showing summarized status of all the processes) allowing a snapshot and drill down capability so when a item of interest, spike in the graph or problem shows up, the user could drill down to pinpoint the cause. The dashboard monitored thousands of real time transactions from databases, spreadsheets, and feeds as they were happening. Utilized LAMP stack with imagemagick to create graphical representations.
Automatic Regression Testing Tool (ARTT) / Code Review Tools
ARTT - After 6 months the regression testing team in India provided unusable results and we would have been unable to release the next release of Expere. In coordination with the project manager over the course of 3 days, I automated the entire regression testing process to allow the local team to complete regression testing within a week and release on schedule.
Code Review Tools - Code within Expere was made by coders based upon the outlines and logic provided by the legal teams.
In order to allow coders to check their work/logic before bringing it to code review, I created a reverse engineering script that took the written block of code as input and would provide output similiar in form to the requirements documents. This allowed the developers to compare apples to apples the requirements provided by our legal team to the actual logic in their code.
Care To Bid
Care to Bid is a pay to bid online auction site currently in development geared to fundraising activities. Utilizing Node.js, socket.io to allow real time bidding and Php, jQuery, Ajax for lazy bids (when real time is unnecessary). Layout using Bootstrap http://caretobid.com
Axon Local Media
Axon Local Media is an ad player that runs on a debian linux distribution such as a Raspberry Pi and displayed on a digital screen. Running in kiosk mode it cycles through advertisments (placed in places like restaurants). The ads are updated through a website API without physically needing to be in proximity to the ad player.http://axoncentral.com
Axon IoT devices
Axon IoT is a series of ESP8266 microcontroller nodes with TCP/IP networking software using a Raspberry Pi as a central point of communication. Each device is configured to be a sensor or actuator, by creating a node.js chat server it allows the devices to communicate in real time and perform actions (send text or email, turn on/off items etc... based upon the changes in the sensor readings (vibration, noise, light, movement etc...). The configuration allows for the same devices to be auto recognized and user configurable with no programming. An example was an automatic plant waterer the sensor axon was attached to a moisture sensor and an actuator axon was attached to a small hydrostatic pump. The settings were controlled through a web interface. Each axon devices firmware is updatable OTA (over the air) - so when a new version of the firmware is availalble it can be updated in place - or if a different sensor or actuator is attached it can be updated with different firmware without physical access to the device.
Food Trailer POS System
I created a Shore Happy food trailer Point of Sale system to allow users to make their orders utilizing their own phone or tablet, or by using the provided touch screen at the food trailer. Running on a Ubuntu distro providing an open SSID that users could connect with.
Interactive Community Light Show
Utilizing my axon devices and in coordination with the Tourism board, with Grants provided by the local high school, I am building interactive light show elements. For example an LED strip as an actuator with a gyroscope sensor allowed the creation of a stick that interactively changes colors based upon it's orientation. When numerous light sticks are placed on a slolom pole (used at ski resorts) with a spring anchoring it to the ground it a pathway can be built where any stick bumped, bent or twisted reacts to the user.
Rocked Off
Rocked Off was a game built specifically for running on the facebook platform with Php, Jquery, and GraphQL. Users played "Gigs" at different locales to earn money, gear and to level up. Playing Gigs required energy, and different locales were unlocked based on the users level. Energy was acquired over time in such a fasion that it limited their gameplay. In essence the Mafia Wars game was very popular at the time and Rocked Off was a close assimilation with a different theme.
CP - Control Panel
The LemonDrop Stop Backdrop printing company uses my Control Panel to automate order fullfillment from their website. Using a local .hta file that runs as a privelidged user that requests and displays the order information from the server, upon one click by the user it opens a batch file that executes a perl script that performs all of the printing, customer service emails, order picking and shipping label creation automatically.
Computer Vision - QA
Utilizing CV for computer vision running on python with an inexpensive USB camera to take an image of a design after it has printed, subtracting the USB camera image from the original image that was sent to the printer. The system can recognize blobs of differences - which determine if the quality of the print is sufficient or if it needs human inspection.